Protection of your personal data is taken seriously in our company. Their collection, storage and processing is always performed strictly in accordance with current legislation and processes and measures to minimize the their abuse are implemented.

These Personal data processing rules have been issued in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 („GDPR“). Their purpose is to specify rules and provide information about what kind of personal data of physical persons the TTS company collects in the process of its business activity, in what ways and for how long it processes them. They also specify with whom and for what purpose the TTS company can share the personal data and what are the rights of physical persons regarding the processing of their personal data by the TTS company.

A) The personal data administrator

The administrator of personal data provided to our company isthe company itself – TTS, s.r.o., a limited liability company located at Novodvorská 994/138, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic, company ID No. 48026395, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 14234 (the „TTS company“). The responsible person for GDPR issues and the processing of information in the TTS company in general is Ing. Lenka Mikuličková, the managing director of the company (email:, phone number: +420239042617)

B) Categories of personal data processed by the TTS company

Sources of personal data processed by the TTS company are directly the subject of these data or publicly accessible registers, lists and records. The TTS company processes following types of personal data:

  1. Identification and contact details for contractual relationships.
  2. The data about what products and services you order from the TTS company and where they shall be delivered to.
  3. Payment data, i.e. your bank account number and your bank details.
  4. Invoicing data – your name and surname including an academic title, invoicing address, details about purchased goods and their price. These data are essential for issuing invoices for products and services and legally required accounting.
  5. The data created as a result of communication between the TTS company and a customer. It consists of the records of personal and electronic communication with the customer, including data obtained from enquiries made through our website.
  6. A database of customers and suppliers of the TTS company. The database contains identification details such as a company name, identification number, address and contact person details including their name, academic title, phone number and email address. The data are used for communication, execution contract, closures of new contracts and processing of complaints and service.
  7. Data for marketing purposes. Data from the customer database of the TTS company (item 6) can be used in exceptional cases and with the approval of said customers for sending of commercial informations by electronic mail.
  8. Personal data of employment applicants. It consists of identification and contact details and data about capabilities, education and experience that are give to us by the applicant in the form of a CV and a letter of intent.

C) Purpose and legal grounds for personal data processing

Your personal data are processed only in the extent necessary for a given purpose – delivery or purchase of products or services, recruitment process for empty employment positions or other contractual relationships. The processing of your personal data is legally required (e.g. by the Accounting Act, the VAT Act, the Income tax Act etc.) in a great majority of these cases.

We do not trade in personal data and when we provide them to third parties, it is always only for purposes mentioned above and in accordance with current legislation. The approval of a subject of personal data is not required for their processing for the purpose of a contract execution, fulfilment of legal duties and rightful interests of the TTS company.

Personal data are processed in the extent necessary for fulfilment of above-mentioned purposes and for a period necessary for their fulfilment. After this period, the personal data are deleted or anonymized.

Personal data processing rules of the TTS company for customers, suppliers and visitors of the TTS website can be also downloaded here.