On the basis of our experiences with development of radiation shielding for space applications and preparation of the mission of the Czech nanosatellite VZLUSAT-1, we have expanded our portfolio of services with radiation analysis by computer simulations.

We use state of the art simulation tools and methods used in the space industry (Monte Carlo simulation tools with CAD interface for the analysis of 3D models, access to space radiation environment models …)

We have been providing radiation analysis for following projects:



Space radiation capabilities, technologies and platforms for small spacecraft and Cubesats - SR-CTP  

2018 - 2020


Qualification of Shielding Applied to Structural Panel for JUICE

2014 - 2016


Experimental verification of space products and technologies on nanosatellite VZLUSAT-1

2013 - 2017

Our analysis can help you with:

  • a definition of radiation environment for your space mission
  • an analysis of spacecraft /component design and assessment of their exposure to radiation
    • total ionizing and non-ionizing dose
    • particle fluxes
    • LET spectra for Single Event Effects assessment
  • a proposal of an effective shielding

If you would like to enhance your space (and non-space) projects by radiation analysis, don‘t hesitate to contact us!