Today, 23rd June 2017, the Czech technological nanosatellite VZLUSAT-1, on board of which products of TTS can also be found, was successfuly launched into space. Following three part of the satellite bear TTS mark.
- sensors of trace moisture HAL
- thin films on composite panels
- thin film metallization on CdTe detector of radiation
The mission of this satellite is a verification of Czech products and technologies in space. The verified products are primarily the radiation hardened composite housing developed by 5M s.r.o. company, part of which are also TTS thin films, and X-ray optics developed by Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o company. Systems monitoring the state of the satellite and its activity (sensors of temperature, radiation or placement) are also verified. Regarding our HAL sensors we would like to explore the possibility of their use for monitoring of outgassing in the environment of space vacuum.

The whole satellite is a results of several years work of consortium of companies and universities under the leadership of Czech Aerospace Research Centre. Along our company the companies Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o., 5M s.r.o., HVM plasma spol. s r.o. and IST s.r.o. and Czech technical university in Prague and University of West Bohemia participated in the project. The project was financially supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (program ALFA).
For more information about the mission and current state and activity of the satellite, please visit the official website of VZLUSAT-1 and the website of Pilsen ground station: